Monday 5 October 2015

Thriller Research The Package

The Package
I made this film with two other students who also study media studies. Our brief was to create a film which lasts for around two minutes about a package. Other than that we could create up a story line on our own. I found this task fairly hard as it was the first time that we used a camera and played around with editing. I am happy with how this film turned out as we only had one day of filming although one thing that we were not aware of while filming is the changing in lighting is sudden especially moving from the staircase and lift to the corridor at the very end. Another issue we were faced with unexpectedly was the background noise and how it sounds when you crop and insert different clips so I think that in some parts it is suddenly much louder. I also realised how much of a difference adding music to a clip makes to the mood of the scene even though you don't think you notice it while watching.

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